Three Things Won’t Change with Health Care Reform

Three Things Won’t Change with Health Care Reform By Dr. Bergein F. Overholt Whatever your political persuasion and feelings about health care reform, the legislation passed by Congress and signed by the President will be a fact that we’ll all have to deal with in the coming months. As the dust settles on the issue, some aspects of the legislation … Read More

Research Helps GIA Physicians Achieve Better Outcomes

I recently participated in a study with a group of esteemed colleagues to determine if the suggested protocol for performing colonoscopy was, in fact, the most beneficial. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology (; Vol. 44, No. 4, April 2010).

Getting to the Right Source

Are you on Facebook? We are! We have also posted some news highlights on YouTube. I am finding new media is opening up incredible ways to provide information that can help keep people well – and for others to share that information with people who need it.

GIA Screening Colonoscopy Day Huge Success

GIA Screening Colonoscopy Day on Oct. 17 was a huge success. A total of 48 persons referred by The InterFaith Health Clinic and The Free Medical Clinic of America received free screenings from the physicians and staff of Gastrointestinal Associates and The Endoscopy Center. I believe I speak for my fellow physicians and the staff when I say that we … Read More

Colonoscopies for the Worthy, and a Message for All

On Saturday, Oct. 17, the physicians and staff of Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA) will gather at The Endoscopy Center for a very important mission. With colon cancer ranked as the second-deadliest cancer, GIA is making free colonoscopy exams available to a group of people in the Knoxville area who are less able to afford the vital screening procedure.

Is Colon Cleansing Helpful or Balderdash?

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal brought to the forefront a long-standing debate between practitioners of conventional and alternative medicine over the value of colon cleansing.

GIA Confronts Diagnosis Issues With Eosinophilic Esophagitis

The increasing prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) has presented gastroenterologists with this decade’s major challenge for diagnosis. EE is sometimes confused with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) because the symptoms of the diseases are so similar. EE has been detected in all ages and on every continent, except Africa. Our team here at Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA) is familiar with the latest … Read More

GIA Patients Benefit from Our Participation in Research

Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA) is very involved in research to determine the effectiveness of the treatments of gastrointestinal diseases. This involvement is a direct benefit to the patients of GIA. Recently, GIA and I participated in a study of one particular treatment of Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that can lead to cancer of that organ. The study was published in May … Read More

Your Colonoscopy

Your primary care physician refers you to Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA) for a colonoscopy. If it is your first exam, you may be a little apprehensive. What should you expect? You will be given detailed instructions before your visit, and we will answer any questions you have. You may also obtain additional information from our brochure on colonoscopy and elsewhere on … Read More