Swallowing. It’s something we take for granted until we struggle to do it. If you have trouble swallowing only on a few occasions, it’s usually nothing to worry about. If difficulty with swallowing is persistent or happens often, however, it’s time to see your physician to have the problem checked. Doctors use the medical term “dysphagia” to describe “trouble swallowing.” … Read More
Video Capsule Endoscopy
Video Capsule Endoscopy – sometimes referred to as the “camera pill” – is often considered new technology. In reality, it has been available since 1999. Capsule endoscopy is most commonly performed to search for a cause of bleeding that is suspected to originate from the small intestine. This is often the case in patients who have a traditional upper GI … Read More
Stand up: Sitting linked to higher risk of colon cancer
Are you sitting down? A recently published study suggests that too much sitting can increase your risk of developing colon cancer by a whopping 24 percent. Worse yet, the damage caused by long periods of sitting cannot be reversed by exercise. The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, was conducted by Daniela Schmid and Michael F. … Read More
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month: Disease less prevalent in United States but remains dangerous
With November serving as host to our country’s most food-centered holiday, it seems fitting that in 2010 the U.S. Senate passed a resolution designating it as Stomach Cancer Awareness Month. Stomach cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, according to tracking statistics. Nearly one million people are diagnosed with stomach cancer each year, and the disease takes the … Read More
Statins May Reduce Esophageal Cancer Risk
A recent study indicates that statins, the cholesterol-reducing drugs taken by millions of Americans, may have the added benefit of reducing the risk of developing esophageal cancer (cancer of the esophagus).
Colonoscopies save patients from the knife
For National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month in March, GIA is urging everyone to schedule a colonoscopy to reduce your risk of dying from colon cancer by at least 50 percent. One patient, Harrogate banker John Buis, is glad he did. John was referred to me a few months ago for a routine screening. He was experiencing no pain or symptoms … Read More
Reduce your colon cancer risk: have a colonoscopy
Have you been putting off having a colonoscopy because you’d rather not endure the dreaded “prep” to clear your colon for the exam? Two new studies may cause you to rethink your reluctance.
A Closer Look at Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disorder, is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall that may affect any part of the digestive tract. Crohn’s has become more common in the past few decades, and chances are you know someone with the disease.