Your Life, Renewed

GIA180 is a comprehensive weight loss program with two amazing plans designed to help you reach a healthy weight in a healthy way. We can meet you where you are within any stage of life to provide the guidance, accountability and strategy for lasting results. We know and continue to learn more about the devastating health effects of obesity and being overweight, so we hope you will take the next step. Learn more about GIA180, then reach out and let’s discuss your personal goals and create a plan.

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Are you tired of yo-yo dieting?

Powering Life Possible

Ideal Protein is a doctor-designed, ketogenic weight loss plan that empowers you to lose weight and live your best, healthiest life. Expert guidance from a personal coach keeps you motivated. This plan offers a variety of Ideal Protein food mixed with your own fresh, lean, healthy food to stay satisfied on your journey to a healthy weight and beyond.

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Personal Coaching

GIA180 coaching offers education and accountability with weekly visits. Our knowledgeable coaches will help you learn how to build a healthy diet and will track your progress. If you struggle to stay on a strict diet plan or if you know how to eat healthy but can’t seem to lose weight on your own, this plan is for you!

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Take control of your health.
Contact GIA180 today.
Meet our providers
Johnny Altawil, M.D.
Physician Nutrition Specialist,
experienced Orbera® specialist
“GIA180 offers tools and solutions that can restore health and change lives. Our personal support is unmatched, and we offer multiple levels within the program to help our clients have a healthier future.”
Melissa Conner, RN
Director, GIA180, weight loss coach
“My goal is to teach others how to eat better for life and provide the training and tools to make it happen. I am so thankful for the amazing clients I have met who have become friends and a part of my heart. I want clients to leave our office feeling loved and confident about the week ahead!”

What Our Patients Say

I don’t feel bad anymore! I was eating foods that were easy and convenient but made me feel terrible. Now I eat fresh foods that I prepare and I feel so good that I don’t want the junk food anymore! - Tiah
My life is forever changed thanks to this program! I didn’t learn to diet…I learned to listen to food and what it does for or against my body. I have new control I never had, and Melissa has been an angel for me. - Candace
Thanks to Ideal Protein, I have lowered my cholesterol and no longer need to take medication. Overall, I have more energy which has helped me increase my activity. - Stacey